Every month we come together as a studio to study and reflect on a theme. We invite you to join us in cultivating a yogic practice that impacts our lives on and off the mat, wherever we may go!!


“Through simplicity and continual refinement (Saucha) the body, thoughts, and emotions become clear reflections of the Self within. Saucha reveals our joyful nature, and the yearning for knowing the self blossoms.” - The Secret Power of Yoga

Meditation & Journal Prompts

There are many ways to put this sutra into practice! Some ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • Write down which foods, clothes, and places allow you to feel that sense of purity, simplicity, and refinement. How do they assist you in feeling that way? The next time you are deciding what to eat, what to wear, or where to visit, recall what feeling you want to invoke and then follow it’s lead in choosing (The Secret Power of Yoga).

  • When watching scary movie or reading a disturbing book, notice how your thoughts and emotions mimic that mood. It could be an immediate response, or it could be a delayed one in a totally different situation (The Secret Power of Yoga).

  • Practice Saucha with a daily inversion! Legs up the wall is a simple but wonderful way to drain the lymphatic system, purifying the body and boosting the immune system!

Connect with us on social media, and let us know what other ways you like to practice Saucha!

We wish you peace and joy in your practice, on and off the mat!!

Connect with our community and share what you learn and experience with the monthly focus!